

 Corrections of the Mulsant's names to the Catalogue of Palaearctic Cerambycidae

 Jacek Kurzawa

The content of the site could be used for any publications with corresponding references. The references to the current site for publications could be as: 

KURZAWA J., 2012. Corrections names of Mulsant to the Catalogue of Palaearctic Cerambycidae. [On-line] https://www.entomo.pl/coleoptera/cerambycidae/mulsant/index.php   [Last visit: 05.01.2023]

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    After a long and carefully study of the original books of Mulsant's published in 1862-1864 I've discovered order of dates of publishing of his books about Cerambycidae. On the basis new order data of publication his books needs change many names of Cerambycidae. Original books (scanned) can be downloaded from this site (with bookmarks inside pdf's).

     All changes of  the names (proposed changes to correct year and pagination in red) according to Annales (1862), Annales (1863) and Histoire (1863):              

"Annales..." (1862):

Phymatoderus puncticollis Mulsant, 1862: 405  
genus Alocerus Mulsant, 1862: 433 type species Alocerus fulvus Mulsant, 1862 (= Callidium moesiacum Frivaldszky von Frivald, 1837)  
genus Echinocerus Mulsant, 1862: 449 type species Cerambyx floralis Pallas, 1773
genus Isotomus Mulsant, 1862: 449 type species Callidium semipunctatum Fabricius, 1798(= Callidium speciosum D. H. Schneider, 1787)

"Annales..." (1863):

subgenus Lampropterus Mulsant, 1863:150 type species Necydalis femoratus Germar, 1824
genus Dolocerus Mulsant, 1863: 166 type species Dolocerus reichii Mulsant, 1863
Dolocerus  reichii Mulsant, 1863: 167   

Parmena pilosa inclusa Mulsant, 1863: 178
Iberodorcadion fuliginator striola Mulsant, 1863: 194  (Dorcadion
genus Herophila Mulsant, 1863:209 type species Dorcadion fairmairei J. Thomson, 1857
Morimus asper funereus Mulsant, 1863: 215
genus Oplosia Mulsant, 1863: 236 type species Cerambyx fennicus Paykull, 1800 (= Exocentrus cinereus Mulsant, 1839)
subgenus Pityphilus Mulsant, 1863: 238 type species Cerambyx ovatus Goeze, 1777
Pogonocherus caroli Mulsant, 1863: 249

"Histoire..." (1863):

subgenus Opsilia Mulsant, 1863: 387 type species Opsilia flavicans Mulsant, 1862 (= Leptura coerulescens Scopoli, 1763)
genus Oxylia Mulsant, 1863: 398  type species Phytoecia languida Menetries, 1839  
genus Mallosia Mulsant, 1863: 399 type species Saperda graeca Sturm, 1843
subgenusMallosia Mulsant, 1863: 399 type species Saperda graeca Sturm, 1843
Phytoecia geniculata geniculata Mulsant, 1863: 420
subgenus Cardoria Mulsant, 1863: 436 type species Saperda scutellata Fabricius, 1793

subgenus Anisorus Mulsant, 1863: 467 type species Cerambyx quercus Gotz, 1783
genus Oxymirus Mulsant, 1863: 464 type species Cerambyx cursor Linnaeus, 1758


  • Mulsant E., 1862. Tribu des Longicornes. Annales des sciences physiques et naturelles, d'agriculture et d'industrie, publiées par La Société impériale d'Agriculture, etc., de Lyon. Troiseime Série. Tome 6: [307]-466.
  • Mulsant E., 1863a. Tribu des Longicornes (suite).- Annales des sciences physiques et naturelles, d'agriculture et d'industrie, publiées par La Société impériale d'Agriculture, etc., de Lyon. Troiseime Série. Tome 7: title + 97-320.
  • Mulsant E. 1863b: Histoire naturelle des coléopteres de France. Longicornes. [Pp. 1-480]. Ed. 2. Paris: Magnin, Blanchard et Cie,  successeurs de Louis Janet, 590pp.
  • Mulsant E., 1864. Tribu des Longicornes (suite).- Annales des sciences physiques et naturelles, d'agriculture et d'industrie, publiées par La Société impériale d'Agriculture, etc., de Lyon. Troiseime Série. Tome 8: 1-208.


The Basic

    Annales (Annales des sciences physiques et naturelles, d'agriculture et d'industrie, publiées par La Société impériale d'Agriculture, etc., de Lyon. Troiseime Série.) and "Histoire..." (1863) (Histoire naturelle des coléopteres de France. Longicornes.) appeared almost simultaneously. "Historie...", all in one book, repeated all contents of Annales (t.6,7 and 8). Under these circumstances, Histoire was published in 1863, after Annales 1863. Under these circumstances, Histoire appeared earlier than Annales 1864 and the names published in Histoire (1863) have priority over Annales (1864).

Reason of order

     In Historie.. (1863) ERRATA is present (p.583) but in Annales (1863) ERRATA is absent. screen>>>
In Histoire (1863) the signature is after the index of names: : "Extrait des Annales de la Société impériale d'agriculture, d'histoire naturelle et des arts utiles de Lyon. - 1862-1863". screen>>>
Moreover the book by Mulsant (1863b) was published as a single unit in 1863. There is no gap between pages 162 and 163, which contain a description of one species (Clytus arietis).


Useful and valid names are listed in books (download here):

Annales... (1862) -  Spondylidinae [all], Prioninae [all], I part Cerambycinae (book)      - download pdf (8MB)
Annales... (1863) - II part of Cerambycinae, I part of Lamiinae (book)      - download pdf (11MB)
Histoire... (1863) - II part of Cerambycinae, II part of Lamiinae ("Phytoeciares"), Lepturinae [all] (part of book)      - download pdf

Annales... (1864)      - download pdf (10MB)

All information (Annales 1862,1863,1864 and Histoire 1863) is presented in the table pdf

The table of changes:

      Table of changes: pdf 246 kB


20.7.2012: It was published by Danilevsky (2012)(page 737):

As it was mentioned by Jacek Kurzawa (personal message, 2012), two publications in “Annales” appeared before the publication of the book “Histoire naturelle des coléopteres de France.” It is clear, becaus there is a reference to “Annales” in the beginning of the book in the page without number after “Table alphabetique”: "Extrait des Annales de la Société impériale d'agriculture, d'histoire naturelle et des arts utiles de Lyon. — 1862-1863." Moreover the book by Mulsant (1863b) was published as a single unit in 1863. There is no gap between pages 162 and 163, which contain a description of one species (Clytus arietis). The years of all names attributed in the catalog to Mulsant (1862) and Mulsant (1863) rest same, but the pages of the originals descriptions must be changed for several dozens of names in accordance to “Annales” (for example Alocerus fulvus Mulsant, 1862: 437 [1963b: 128], instead of Alocerus fulvus Mulsant, 1862: 128). Lepturinae were not published in “Annales” 1862, neither in 1863, but in “Annales” 1864 (together with the end of Lamiinae), so all original descriptions of Lepturinae (and a part of Lamiinae) are connected with Mulsant (1863b), as it is accepted in the Catalog. The further investigations on the exact dates of the publications of the corresponding volumes of “Annales” are desirable.

Danilevsky M.L., 2012l: Additions and corrections to the new Catalogue of Palaearctic Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) edited by I. Löbl and A. Smetana, 2010. Part. V.- Humanity Space. International Almanac, Vol. 1, No. 3: 695-741.

Bosquet (2016:377) was reported:

Longicornes. [3] + 590 pp. [DP: 1862-63 (title page), 2 January 1864 (Bibl Fr), January 1864 (Allg Bibl)]. Without qualification, Löbl and Smetana (2010: 803) reported that pages 1-480 were published in 1862 and pages 481-590 in 1863. Also issued in the Annales des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles d'Agriculture et d'Industrie de Lyon (Troisieme Série) 6 [1862]: 307-466 [DP: 1862 (title page), 9 May 1863 (Bibl Fr)], 7 [1863]: 97-320 [DP: 1863 (title page), 4 February 1865 (Bibl Fr)], 8 [1864]: 1-208 [DP: 1864 (title page)].

BOSQUET 2016. Litteratura Coleopterologica (1758-1900): a guide to selected books related to the taxonomy of Coleoptera with publication dates and notes.



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